What does Self-Quarantine mean?

Self-quarantine means staying at home for a period of time to help limit the spread of any communicable disease. Self-quarantine is used to separate and restrict the movement of a seemingly healthy person (exhibits no symptoms) but may have been exposed to a communicable disease, to see if they become sick over a stipulated time period.

How to Self-Quarantine

  • Stay away from other people in your home as much
    as possible. Stay in a separate room and use a separate bathroom if available
  • Don’t leave your house unless absolutely
    necessary. Only leave the house if you need to see your doctor and you have
    called ahead to discuss and plan your appointment
  • No visitors
  • Wear a face mask if you must be around other
  • When you cough/sneeze:

Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue; immediately throw used tissues in the garbage; wash your hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds; if that’s not available, clean with an alcohol-based hand sanitizer

  • Avoid sharing household items, including cups,
    eating utensils, towels or even bedding. Wash these items thoroughly after use
  • Clean high-touch surfaces daily using a
    household cleaner or wipe. These include: counters, tabletops, doorknobs,
    bathroom fixtures, toilets, phones, keyboards, tablets and bedside tables
  • Shared spaces in the home should have good
    airflow — use an air conditioner or open windows
  • Continue monitoring your symptoms. If they
    worsen, i.e. you begin to have difficulty breathing, call the Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) on
    080097000010 or SMS 08099555577 immediately.

When to stop self-quarantine? 

To figure out when to stop self-quarantine, check with Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) as cases vary. Spread the word and stay safe.

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